Nord Wave User Manual OS V1.00
You can make the lists show separate banks. rearrang-
ing programs is simply a matter of drag and drop. drag a
program from one bank/list to another bank/list in either
dragging will always move the source Program, it is not
copied. The source location will be changed, depending on
the destination. If you drop one Program on another Pro-
gram, the two will trade locations. If you drop one Program
to an empty location, the source location will be empty
and the destination will be occupied by the former source.
If you right-click on a Program in the list, you will get the
following two options:
– This will delete the Program from the Nord Wave
Program memory. The space that the deleted Program
occupied is not immediately available to other Programs,
even though it is gone from the list and its location is free.
The Program memory needs to be cleaned to get rid of any
deleted Programs in order to free up the space.
Upload to backup folder
– This will upload the Program
to the computer hard drive. It will be saved as a .nwp file, in
a folder structure in the same folder where the Nord Wave
Manager is located. Just as any other computer file on your
hard drive, this .nwp may be renamed, emailed, copied,
moved, lost or even stored in a safe location.
When this option is checked, the list will show all the
available locations in the Program memory. This will for
instance make it easier to drag an .nwp file to a specific
location in the middle of the list. If this is unchecked, only
the occupied locations will be shown.
The program memory is divided in 8 Banks, with 128 Pro-
grams in each bank.
A Program get its name when you save it on the Nord
The name will be shown in the Nord Wave LCd, when it is
selected. If a Program is uploaded to the computer hard
drive, the resulting .nwp file name will be the same as the
Program name. Change the file name, and the Program
name is also changed when that file is downloaded to the
Nord Wave.
Indicates the size of the Program.
To be documented.
Indicates the date and time when the Program was saved
after its latest edit.
The instrument list window also has some file manage-
ment functions in its footer area.
Delete file
If a Program is selected in the list and you click on delete,
it will be erased from the Program memory without any
confirmation request. The space that the deleted Program
occupied is not immediately available to other Programs,
even though it is gone from the list and its location is free.
The Program memory needs to be cleaned to get rid of any
deleted programs in order to free up the space.
Clean Deleted Space
This function will clean up the space where any deleted
Programs where. If nothing has been deleted, this button
will be grayed out. deleted space that hasn’t been cleaned
yet will be indicated with yellow color in the Memory
This is a radical function; it will format the entire Program
memory and prepare it for some brand new content. You
will be asked to confirm this action.
Memory Indicator
This will give you a numerical and a visual indication of
how the Program memory space is being used. red indi-
cates the spaced used by the Programs, yellow is the space
from deleted programs, but not yet available since it hasn’t
been cleaned and green is the space that free to use for
new Programs.