Service Software Instructions
PAMS Technical Documentation
Page 19
Issue 1 10/00
Nokia Mobile Phones Ltd.
Help Functions
The Help User Interface is the standard Windows help tool called Win-
The context sensitive help is activated with F1–key. Help contains also
Using Help which describes how to use help facility. Refer to the Windows
manual for detailed description on the Windows Help.
Dialog boxes
The Service Software application uses many different dialog boxes. Dia-
log boxes are used to display data and prompt the user for input.
Dialog boxes are opened from menus or with shortcut keys. Dialog boxes
have different properties but some features are common.
All service dialog boxes must be modal, that is, the user is not able to
start another operation without first closing the present dialog box.
All dialog boxes contain the following entities:
– Help button
– Title bar
– At least one button other than Help
– Application Control–menu Button
Common Dialog boxes
This sections describes the common dialog boxes used in the Service
Software package, and the context in which they are used.
Note Message Box
When the user has made an illegal selection, a
note message box dialog
is opened and message text is displayed. The message box is also
opened when the program has some information for the user. The size of
the dialog box may vary. An information dialog box is recognized by the
The dialog box also contains an OK button and a Help button.
OK button (default key):
Acknowledge displayed information and continue. The dialog
box is closed after selection.
Help button (Alt+H):
Opens context sensitive help as F1–key does.
Query Message Box
Confirmations and questions are asked in
a query message box. A query
dialog box is recognized by the ?–icon.