Service Software Instructions
PAMS Technical Documentation
Page 72
Issue 1 10/00
Nokia Mobile Phones Ltd.
Favored alpha tag edit box (ALT+V)
Alpha tag which is shown on the phone display when on ser-
vice with PARTNER or FAVORED system.
System is PARTNER/FAVORED system when the broadcasted
SID or SOC matches with PARTNER/FAVORED SID/SOC in a
phone’s soc_sid_list in IRDB.
Neutral alpha tag edit box (ALT+N)
Alpha tag which is shown on phone’s display when on service
System is NEUTRAL system when the broadcasted SID and
SOC does not match the values in NAM and neither in
soc_sid_list in IRDB.
Read Phone button (ALT+R):
Read values from the phone
Write Phone button (ALT+W):
Write values to phone and checks the validity of names and
Save File button (ALT+S):
Opens a default Windows File Save As dialog and asks file-
name where to save values.
Load File button (ALT+L):
Opens a default Windows File Open dialog and asks filename
where from load values. Checks the validity of names and
Cancel button (ESC)
Exit without saving any changes
Help button (ESC)
Context sensitive help