Service Software Instructions
PAMS Technical Documentation
Page 74
Issue 1 10/00
Nokia Mobile Phones Ltd.
The alphanumeric Internet Protocol address value can be
Authentication Type radio buttons
One of the following values can be chosen:
Authentication Type Secure
Authentication Type Normal
User Name edit box
The alphanumeric value can be edited
Password edit box
The alphanumeric value can be edited.
Password characters show as asterisks (*).
Read Phone button (ALT+R):
Read values from the phone
Write Phone button (ALT+W):
Write values to phone and checks the validity of names and
File Save button (ALT+S):
Opens a default Windows File Save As dialog and asks file-
name where to save values.
File Load button (ALT+L):
Opens a default Windows File Open dialog and asks filename
where from load values.
Close button (ESC)
Exit without saving any changes