Service Software Instructions
PAMS Technical Documentation
Page 71
Issue 1 10/00
Nokia Mobile Phones Ltd.
Favored SID list box (ALT+I)
Number of favored SOCs in soc_sid_list. The selected position
is highlighted and can be edited.
Forbidden SOC list box (ALT+O)
Number of forbidden SOCs in soc_sid_list. The selected posi-
tion is highlighted and can be edited.
Forbidden SID list box (ALT+D)
Number of forbidden SIDs in soc_sid_list. The selected posi-
tion is highlighted and can be edited.
IR_control edit box (ALT+T)
”1”, only the systems broadcasting. HOME SID or SOC are ac-
cepted as a service providers.
”0”, all other systems, except systems broadcasting SID or
SOC set as a forbidden in a soc_sid_list, are accepted as a
service providers.
Band order locked static
Band order which are not editable
Band order edit box (ALT+B)
The table tells which bands (cellular or/and PCS) and in what
order the bands are searched.
a = 800 MHz
b = 800 MHz
A = 1900 MHz
B = 1900 MHz
C = 1900 MHz
D = 1900 MHz
E = 1900 MHz
F = 1900 MHz
00 = NONE
Number of cellular edit box (ALT+ C)
Number of probability blocks to scan in cellular band.
Number of pcs edit box (ALT+ P)
Number of sub blocks to scan in PCS band
Rescan count edit box (ALT+T)
Rescan time in hyperframes (HF = 1,28 seconds).
Rescan loop edit box (ALT+C)
Defines when all the band in band_order are to be scanned
Number of free elements in soc_sid_list
Home alpha tag edit box (ALT+H)
Alpha tag is shown on phone’s display when on service with
HOME SID or SOC. System is home system if the broadcasted
SID or SOC or both of them matches with SID/SOC in a
phone’s NAM.