Service Software Instructions
PAMS Technical Documentation
Page 60
Issue 1 10/00
Nokia Mobile Phones Ltd.
Wake up Message String edit box (ALT+M):
Edit Wake up message. The message can contain up to 16
Wake up Message Graphics group
Save File... button (ALT+S):
Opens a common File Save As dialog box and asks for the
name of the file to contain user settings and values.
Load File... button (ALT+L):
Opens a common File Open dialog box, and asks for the
name of the file containing the user settings and values.
Edit button (ALT+D)
Starts Windows Paintbrush to edit the graphical Wake up mes-
sage bitmap.
OK button (ENTER)
Selections are accepted and saved to EEPROM.
Cancel button (ESC)
Selections are ignored and control is returned back to main
Help button ( Alt+H)
Context sensitive help