combo memory, the current PCB will be replaced by a new fully mounted PCB. The intention of the
troubleshooting procedure is to find the failing component(s). After this a re- verification of the
phone is needed in order to secure passes of all RF parameters and no more failures will be present.
Before sending the phone back to the customers a short verification step in normal mode + live network call
will be performed.
The Maintenance steps can be seen in the figure below:
Maintenance step 1
Step 1 is where the phone (MS) is fully assembled, i.e. the RF production connector cannot be used. The
purpose is to perform a quick identification of the failure mode using MS self test. The self-test feature will
not be able to detect the failed component, but in best case it can detect the failure area/functionality. Note
that the self test might not catch all failures.
Purpose of step 1:
Fast identification of any failures when phone is assembled;
To identify the area of the failures in order to give the operator (Service maintenance operator) further
information where to debug. (Note: Self-test will not be able to specify which component(s) is failing only
which functionality is failing.)
Maintenance step 2
Step 2 is where the phone (MS) is disassembled and the RF production connector can be used, i.e. the antenna
is not mounted. The purpose of this step is to identify the failing component(s) and replace it. In this step
the troubleshooting will be made.
Purpose of step 2:
Identify the failure when phone is disassembled;
Troubleshooting in order to find the specific failing component(s) and replace it/them.
Maintenance step 3
The Maintenance Step 3 is the local mode verification step. Note that this can be used for both troubleshooting
and verification.
Purpose of step 3:
In case of the MS self-test performed in Maintenance Step 1 didn’t show any errors the verification should
identify where the error is located (on functional level);
In case a component(s) has been replaced after troubleshooting, this step should verify that the phone
can pass all RF test after recalibration or:
a Identify if the replaced components was the component(s) causing the failure.
a Detect if other failures are present after replacing.
RM-761; RM-799; RM-800
RF Troubleshooting
Page 4 – 6
Issue 1
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