Figure 64 Step-up backlight driver
Baseband electrical interfaces: Keyboard
The key interface supports a 5 x 5 matrix. There are two different modes of operation: standby mode and
active scanning mode. Since this product supports a QWERTY keyboard, an I/O-expander (N2450) is used to
address a 7x8 matrix. The I/O expander is controlled via the I²C Bus.
In standby mode all scan output rows KEYOUT[0:#] are set to low. The scan input columns lines KEYIN[0:#]
are pulled high by internal pull-up resistors. In case of a key press, the corresponding KEYIN will be pulled
low. The logic states of all the input lines are AND’ed internally in the GOLD213 to generate an interrupt
request to wake up the CPU if any key is activated during standby. In case of interrupt, the CPU will read the
corresponding row and initiate an active key scan to identify the correct column. The key interface will also
allow detection of two simultaneously pressed keys.
The PWRON key is for power on function, it is pull up by VRTC.
Baseband electrical interfaces: Camera
The X-Gold213 CIF is a high performance camera interface block that implements the complete video and
still picture input interface solution for mobile phone applications. It supports a maximum input frame
resolutions of up to 3MPixels (2048x1536 pixels).
Since X-Gold213 does not support a serial camera interface, an interface, or de-serializer, IC is used. This IC
converts the CCP-2 compatible serial camera data to an 8-bit parallel format compatible with the XGold213
camera interface.
RM-761; RM-799; RM-800
System Module
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Issue 1
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