Optionally a separate keyboard backlight can be driven by a constant current sink supplied from VBAT and is
controlled from a GPIO. The keyboard backlight supports white LED with low Vf.
The current CHWP is designed with a 5*5 matrix keyboard i.e. up to 25 keys plus the ON key, XG213 can
support up to 6*5 which means that up to 30 keys* plus the ON key can be detected. ESD protection is optional
by providing PWB footprints for tranzorbers. If needed, these tranzorbers can be mounted. The tranzorber
footprints are physically located in a way which enables the use of the Nokia ASIP for keyboard protection,
with only minor PWB layout changes.
Usage of the pin for the 6’th row is dependent on the port allocation.
The microphone, earpiece, speaker and headset are driven directly from the X-GOLD213. To obtain a sufficient
Sound Pressure Level from the speaker, a build-in class-D amplifier is used. The design supports both separate
transducer implementations as well as combined earpiece and speaker outputs, including support for 3-in-1
devices with integrated vibrator functionality.
The Engine supports two analog microphone inputs and optionally dual digital microphone inputs as well.
The vibrator function is supported using the VIB driver in the X-GOLD213. This driver features a VBAT supplied
push-pull output stage which is intended for driving a vibra motor. The engine also supports vibrating using
the 3-in-1 multi-actuator device, please refer to 3.3.6.
Accessory support
The accessory connector is the Nokia AV connector. The ECI function is not supported. USB data
communication is supported, but USB OTG is not supported. Also Janette headset and video cable are not
Baseband functional description
Baseband functional description
Baseband function is mainly fulfilled on the XGOLD213 IC, which includes energy management, analog and
digital baseband. It has following function: Power supply for internal function blocks, and external chips,
like Bluetooth and external memory.
MCU and DSP to control system in different operation modes.
State machine of PMU in X-GOLD213 controls the power up sequence.
26 MHz and 32 KHz clock generation and distribution.
Audio CODEC, power amplifier for loudspeaker, microphone (include digital microphone), earpiece,
Battery interface and battery charge interface.
Display interface.
External NOR flash & PSRAM interface.
External dual SIM card controller to extend up to two SIM card interfaces.
Display backlight and keypad backlight driver.
Keypad interrupt and scan.
Deserializer for camera with serial interface.
Support 4-bit SD memory card.
RM-761; RM-799; RM-800
System Module
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Issue 1
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