: Updated: SEPT 5, 2012
The Maxle quick release thru axle system allows the use of a 15 mm x
100 mm thru-axle hub for enhanced stiffness. The axle threads into the
non-drive side fork dropout and compresses the hub between the non-drive
and drive side fork legs. The axle is fixed in place in the lower leg by the
Maxle quick release lever.
Riding with an improperly installed wheel can allow the wheel to move
or disengage from the bicycle, causing damage to the bicycle, and seri-
ous injury or death to the rider. It is essential that you:
• Ensure that your axle, dropouts, and quick release mechanisms are
clean and free of dirt or debris.
• Ask your dealer to help you understand how to properly secure your
front wheel using the Maxle quick release thru axle system.
• Apply the correct techniques when installing your front wheel.
• Never ride your bicycle unless you are sure the front wheel is
installed properly.
Position your wheel in the lower leg dropouts. The hub should seat firmly in
the dropouts. Be sure to position the disc brake rotor in the caliper. Verify
that neither the rotor, hub, nor rotor bolts interfere with
the lower legs. If you are unfamiliar with adjusting your disc brakes, see
your brake manufacturer’s instructions.
2.1 Place the Maxle lever in the open position. Ensure the lever engages
with the corresponding slot in the axle. (FIGURE 1)
2.2 Slide the axle through the right side of the hub until it engages the
threads of the left drop out.
2.3 To tighten the axle into the dropout, position the quick release lever
in the slot on the axle flange and turn the axle lever clockwise until hand
Never use any other tool to tighten the axle into the lower leg.
Over-tightening of the axle can damage the axle and/or the lower leg.
3.1 Lift the lever out of the corresponding slot in the axle and rotate to
a point 180 degrees from where you want the lever to be located in the
closed position.
3.2 To lock the axle into the lower leg, close the Maxle quick release lever.
3.3 The quick release mechanism is an “over-center cam”, similar to the
quick release found on many bicycle wheels. When closing the lever, ten-
sion should be felt when the quick release lever is in the horizontal
position (90 degrees to the lower leg), and the quick release lever should
leave a clear imprint in the palm of your hand. If resistance is not felt at
the 90 degree position and if the lever does not leave a clear imprint in the
palm of your hand, tension is insufficient.
To increase tension, open the quick release lever and insert a 2.5 mm
hex into the tension adjuster located in the center of the lever cam. (FIG-
URE 2) Turn the adjuster clockwise one click and re-check lever tension.
Repeat until the quick release lever tension is sufficient.
Dirt and debris can accumulate between the dropout openings. Always
check and clean this area when re-installing the wheel. Accumulated dirt
and debris can compromise the security of the axle, leading to serious
and/or fatal injury.
4.1 Open the Maxle quick release lever and position it in the slot on the
axle flange.
4.2 Turn the quick release lever counter-clockwise until the axle is disen-
gaged from the threads on the fork dropout then slide the axle out of the
Note: Diagram does not show wheel
in place
Note: Diagram shows suspension fork
lowers but instructions are identical for
RDO fork