: Updated: SEPT 5, 2012
Inspection of frame, fork and components:
Cracking is one of the most obvious signs of damage in all frame and fork
materials. Inspect your entire bicycle for cracks or splintering. If any part
of the bicycle is cracked or splintered, discontinue use immediately, as a
crack may lead to catastrophic failure.
Delamination is serious damage that can occur in composites such as
carbon fiber. Composites are made from layers of fabric and delamination
means the layers of fabric are no longer bonded together. Do not ride any
component or frame that is delaminating. These are some delamination
1. Cloudy or white areas. This kind of blemish looks different from the
ordinary undamaged areas, opaque and cloudy instead of glossy and
2. Bulging or deformation. If delamination occurs, the surface shape
may change. A bump, bulge or soft spot may be apparent.
3. A difference in sound when tapping the surface. Gently tapping an
undamaged composite with a coin should produce a consistent sound,
usually hard or sharp. Delaminated areas may sound duller than other
Unusual Noises can be caused by cracks or delamination. Think of
such noises as a serious warning signal. A well-maintained bicycle will be
quiet and free of creaks or squeaks. Investigate and locate the source of
any noise. The sound may not be a crack or delamination but should be
fixed before riding.
Misalignment cannot be corrected by attempting to bend the frame. Do not
attempt to realign bent Niner frames.
Do not ride a frame or component with any delamination or cracks.
Riding a delaminated or cracked frame or component could lead to
complete failure with risk of injury or death. Please ensure that the
damaged component is destroyed, not re-sold.
After a crash or significant impact:
1. Check yourself for injuries, take care of them to the best of your ability.
Seek medical help if necessary.
2. Next, check your bicycle for damage on the spot. Do not ride if any
problems are detected.
3. Bring your bike to your Niner dealer for professional inspection. The
entire bike must be inspected for damage - this may require disassembly,
depending upon the dealer’s recommendation. Err on the side of caution.
A crash or impact can put extraordinary stress on a bicycle, causing it
to fail or to fatigue prematurely. Components suffering from stress fa-
tigue can fail suddenly with no warning, causing loss of control, serious
injury or death. This applies to all components, not just those made or
manufactured by Niner Bikes.