3.1-4 Fuel
fi lling for the Honda engine
Stop the engine and allow it to cool for
at least two minutes before fi lling with
pe trol.
Check the Honda manual for the petrol
octane specifi cations.
Only use pure petrol in the Honda
Petrol for the Honda engine is poured into the petrol tank (7). Only use pure petrol.
Always stop the engine and let it cool for at least two minutes before fi lling with petrol.
Avoid spilling petrol. If petrol nevertheless is spilled while refi lling, the engine must not be started before
the spilled petrol has been removed.
If the machine is placed in a trailer, any petrol spillage must be removed before restarting the machine.
It is forbidden to smoke while refi lling with petrol.
Also read the instructin manual for the Honda engine.
Spray handle - ac ce sso ri es
Clean nipple of any impurities each time
the spray lance has been dismounted.
Pull for ward the grey quick coupling trig ger of the spray handle (26).
Insert the nipple of the spray lance (25) in the quick coupling and release the trigger.
Pull forward the spray lance or any other accessory to ensure correct mounting before starting the clean er.
Max thrust of spray handle and lance - see section “1.2 Technical data”.