7.5 Descaling of coil
After a period of operation depending on the hardness of the water scale deposits will begin to ac cu mu late
in the heating coil. These deposits will reduce the effect of the water heating system and increase the fuel
consumption. The machine should therefore be descaled regularly. If the machine adjusted on max. water
volume will not heat cold water (8°C) to 70°C within three minutes, the burner or the coil requires servicing
or descaling.
Descaling as follows:
1. Detach high pressure hose.
2. Insert the inlet hose in a container with descaler, Nilfi sk-ALTO Stonex and water in the ratio 1:10.
3. Start the machine in cold water mode.
4. Stop the machine when the water escaping the outlet socket has been coloured by the descaler.
Warning: The mixture may be caustic!
Do not on any occasion empty the container to prevent air getting into the system.
5. Let the machine rest for 20 minutes.
6. Start the machine and pump the used solution into a container for proper disposal.
7. Immediately attach the water inlet hose to the water supply and turn on the tap.
8. Start the machine and let it run 5 - 10 minutes to have the descaler out of the system.
9. If required, repeat the procedure from item 3 - 8.
The descaling should always be carried through in ac cord ance with the instructions on the descaler
7.6 Cleaning of high pressure no zz le
A clogging up in the nozzle causes a pump pressure which is too high and cleaning is im me di ate ly re-
1. Stop the cleaner and detach the spray lance.
2. Carefully clean the nozzle.
: ONLY use the cleaning tool when the spray lance is de tached!
3. Flush the spray lance backwards with water.
4. If the pressure is still too high, repeat items 1 - 3.