Safety precautions and warnings
* Refuel in a well-ventilated area with adequate ventilation and always with the engine stopped.
* It is not allowed to smoke when refi lling with gasoline.
* Do not overfi ll the tank. Make sure that the fi ller cap is closed securely.
* Avoid spilling gasoline when refi lling. If gasoline nevertheless is spilled, the engine must not be started
before the spilled gasoline has been removed.
* If the machine is placed in a trailer, any gasoline spillage must be removed before restarting the ma-
* Never use an open fl ame near the machine.
* The battery emits explosive gases. Avoid sparks and open fl ames. Make provision for adequate ven ti -
la ti on during recharge in closed rooms.
Always place the machine at a distance of at least 1 m from buildings or equipment during operation.
* Never place infl ammable products such as petrol and matches etc. close to the ma chine during ope ra ti on.
* Never place the machine in the immediate vicinity of sources of heat (gas burners, heaters etc.).
* Always let the engine cool before transporting it or setting it aside to avoid burns and to reduce the risk
of fi re.
2.2 Safety devices on the machine
Circulation valve
(safety valve)
The pressure side of the high pressure pump is fi tted with a circulation valve (safety valve). This valve
cir cu lates the water back to the suction side of the pump when the spray handle is closed or if a nozzle
is blocked. The circulation valve has been constructed as a safety function ensuring that the pres sure will
never exceed the working pres sure by more than 25 bar. At this pres sure the circulation valve will au to mat -
i cal ly switch from high pressure to cir cu la tion mode.
Never let the machine run for more than 5 min. upon release of the spray handle as it may be damaged.
The valve has been adjusted and sealed from the factory.
This adjustment must not be changed!
cir cu la tion valve ensures that the machine becomes devoid of pressure when it is stopped.
Motor protection
The engine will automatically stop if the oil level is insuffi cient. The engine can be restarted when having
been re fi lled with oil.
2.3 General
1. It is not allowed to clean asbestos-containing surfaces with high pressure, unless using spe cial equip ment.
2. Persons under the infl uence of alcohol, drugs and medicine should not operate the machine.
3. When using detergents the enclosed in struc tions should always be strictly observed.
4. Don’t use the machine if important parts of the equipment are damaged - i.e. safety devices, high pres-
sure hoses, spray handle, cabinet.
Battery acid contains corrosive sulphuric acid. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothes.
Even through your clothes the sulpuric acid may cause etching. If you get acid on your skin, fl ush with
suffi cient water. If you get battery acid in your eyes, fl ush carefully with water for at least 15 minutes and
send for a doctor.
Battery acid is toxic. If battery acid is swallowed: Drink a lot of water or milk. Then more milk,
whipped eggs or vegetable oil and send for a doctor immediately.
7. The most effi cient cleaning is obtained if you adjust the distance to the surface which is to be cleaned.
Thus you will also avoid damaging the surface.