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2. Before You Begin
System Requirements
To run Nikon Scan Macintosh, the following minimum hardware
and software is required:
• A Macintosh with a 68030 or higher-power CPU running
System 7.1 or later, or a Power Macintosh running System
7.1.2 or later
• 8MB or more of RAM (more than 12MB is recommended)
• 1MB or more of hard disk space for installation (300MB or
more is recommended when scanning images)
• 640 x 400 pixel monitor or larger
• Monitor with 16.7M colors, 32K colors, 256 colors, 256
grayscale, 16 grayscale
• QuickTime Version 1.5 or later (when using Nikon Control)
• Nikon Control or other plug-in supporting applications
Software Installation
The Install disks provided with this product contain the Nikon
Scan Macintosh plug-in and the Nikon Control Macintosh
To begin using the Nikon Scan plug-in, you must first install
Nikon Scan, as described in the
manual provided with this product.
Nikon Control is an easy-to-use application that acquires images
from the scanner via the Nikon Scan plug-in. Use Nikon
Control to scan a number of images consecutively with an
optional autofeeder attachment fitted to the AX-110 or AX-
210 flatbed scanners or to the LS-1000, or use it as your basic
scanning application if you do not have any plug-in compatible
software available. The procedures for using Nikon Control are
covered in the