NHRC-10 User Guide
1999, 2000, 2001, NHRC LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Page 35
3.11 *8: Play/Record Voice Tracks
The NHRC-10 supports stored voice messages. The repeater operator will want to
customize some or all of these messages. The *8 command allows the repeater operator
to record their preferred voice messages.
The controller uses messages 0-95 for its own prompt tracks. These messages are pre-
recorded at the factory with a high-performance recording system. The repeater operator
may choose to record these messages over the air, to use the local language or just
because the operator prefers their own voice.
The fidelity of these messages when recorded over the air is not likely to
approach the fidelity of the messages recorded at the factory.
The controller’s speech IDs, tail messages, timeout message, etc. should all be recorded
by the repeater operator.
3.11.1 Play a message
Command *80 is used to play messages:
is the message to be played. Valid range for <n> is 0 – 122.
To play back the initial ID message (message #111), send the following
command with the controller unlocked: "*80111”. The controller will play back the
initial ID message.