System Error LED
A flashing red SYSTEM ERROR LED and audible beeping indicate an internal fault has been detected.
An error code will appear in the TIME window (Figure 13).
Figure 13. SYSTEM ERROR LED and error code example.
Error Code 9
If error code 9 is displayed in the TIME window, it means:
The allowed number of Nexalin ADI Therapy sessions has been reached; or
The expiration date of the Nexalin ADI Device has passed and the device has been de- activated and
will no longer function.
1. Ensure the patient is disconnected from the Nexalin ADI Device.
2. Power off the Nexalin ADI Device using the ON/OFF switch.
3. Contact the Nexalin Support Center for assistance.
For support, contact the Nexalin Support Center:
Telephone: (714)
Website: www.nexalintechnology.com