Nexalin ADI Device Status Indications
The Nexalin ADI Device has three warning LEDs on the right side of the front panel (Figure 12).
All three lights will briefly flash during the diagnostic start-up self-test. Also, the LEDs will flash
individually to warn the NCT when a situation occurs requiring attention.
Figure 12. Three warning LEDs.
Check Electrode LED
If a problem occurs relating to the electrodes, the CHECK ELECTRODE LED flashes and the device goes into
Pause Mode. Situations that may cause this are:
The Nexalin Patient Cable & Electrode Clips are not properly attached to the electrodes or the device;
An electrode has fallen off the patient; or
An electrode is not properly adhering to the patient’s skin.
NOTE: It is recommended that the NCT remain with the patient for a minimum of
30 seconds after beginning a treatment. This will allow an adequate amount of time to ensure that
no electrode problems exist.
A. Verify that the Nexalin Patient Cable & Electrode Clips are properly attached to the electrodes and
the device (Section 4 - Attaching the Nexalin Patient Cable). Wait approximately 5 to 10 seconds for
the light to stop flashing. Once the CHECK ELECTRODE LED is off, resume the session by pressing the
CURRENT ON button. The CURRENT LEVEL will ramp up and the Nexalin ADI Therapy session will
B. If the Nexalin Patient Cable & Electrode Clips are attached correctly and the CHECK ELECTRODE LED
continues to flash, verify that no electrode has fallen off the patient. If an electrode has fallen off:
1. Use a fresh Nexalin Pre-Treatment Skin Wipe to clean the patient’s skin again.
2. Reapply the electrode (Section 4 - Applying the Nexalin Electrodes). If the electrode has become
dirty or unusable, apply a fresh one.