PSM3750 Quick User Guide
Page 73
Trigger Mode:
The trigger mode may be set to be;
Auto (trigger if possible but do not wait)
Normal (wait indefinitely for trigger)
Single shot (wait for trigger then hold)
The single shot option is reset using the “TRIGGER” key
Trigger Polarity:
The trigger polarity may be set to rising edge or
falling edge
Trigger HF Reject:
Select to be either “ON” or “OFF”
. W
hen set to “ON”
a low
pass filter is applied to the trigger data to stabilise the trace with noisy signals.
The filter only influences the trigger detection and does not change the data
The pretrigger may be set to none, 25%, 50% or 75%
using the
drop down menu.
Two cursors can be enabled on the display as per the
When enabled use the keys to enable and switch between Cursor 1 and
Cursor 2.
Use the keys to move the selected cursor along the timescale.
When the cursors are enabled then the “LEFT” and “RIGHT” arrows no longer
adjust the timebase.