PSM3750 Quick User Guide
Page 72
Oscilloscope Mode
The PSM3750 provides a digital storage oscilloscope function in order to view the
waveforms being measured.
The settings for the oscilloscope are configured by press
ing the “SCOPE” button
Upon entering the “SCOPE” menu, the following screenshot will be displayed
The display for the oscilloscope is divided into 10 divisions along the
time axis with the selected timebase displayed in the bottom left hand corner of
the display. The timebase may be set to any real value between 15μs/div to
5s/div. Pressing the arrows on the main panel will adjust the timebase by
a factor of 2.
Trigger Reference:
The data source for the trigger can be selected to be
Channel 1, Channel 2 or Channel 3 (if fitted).
Trigger Level:
The trigger level is set directly in Volts in relation to the trigger
reference settings and does not change if the range is changed. The trigger level
is displayed by a small > on the extreme left hand edge of the display. If the
trigger is set to a value above or below the range of the input channel then a
small carat ^ is shown at the top or inverted at the bottom of the display as