My application is not synchronizing when I click the Synchronize button.
Make sure you’ve selected a file to synchronize. See “Synchronizing for the
First Time” in Chapter 7, “Synchronizing Information.”
Make sure the checkbox to the left of the application is checked (an X
appears in it) in the Synchronization Settings dialog box. See
“Synchronizing for the First Time” in Chapter 7.
Information in my source application is not mapping correctly to information in my
target application.
You may need to change the field map for the applications. See “Changing
a Field Map” in Chapter 10, “Setting Advanced Options.”
I can’t set a custom date range.
Make sure you’ve selected Custom from the Dates pop-up menu. See
“Changing the Date Range” in Chapter 10, “Setting Advanced Options.”
When I transfer calendar items that represent repeating meetings, I only see future
meetings, not meetings already passed.
Some calendar applications don’t support ongoing meetings. If you transfer
repeating meetings, they may be treated as many separate meetings instead
of a repeated occurrence of a single event. A limited number of meetings
are transferred. For example, if a daily repeating meeting is transferred, a
month’s worth of separate meetings are set up on the computer. Meetings
that occurred in the past are generally not exported, unless the number of
meetings has been set in a date range.
Information on my Newton Notepad doesn’t look the same when I transfer it to
my computer.
Some information in your Newton Notepad may not translate directly to an
application on your computer and vice versa. See the Appendix, “Working
With Translators.”
Graphics and ink text are converted to asterisks when exported to a file on
your computer. If the file is imported to the Newton device again, the
original items will not appear in place of the asterisks.