Select the information to back up.
To select an item to back up, click the box next to it to add an X. Only items
marked with an X will be backed up.
Click Backup.
A status window appears indicating a backup is in progress. Messages in the
window show what information is being backed up.
When the window disappears, the information you selected has been added
to the latest backup file.
Backing up a storage card
You can use the Newton Connection Utilities to back up the contents of a
storage card.
To back up a storage card, follow these steps:
Insert the storage card.
Open the Newton Connection Utilities and establish a connection.
Click Backup.
The Backup dialog box appears. It includes a list of cards currently inserted
in your Newton device. To select an item to back up, click to place an X in the
box next to it.
Backing Up and Restoring Information
Select to back
up a card.
Select the information
you want to back up.