Assembly and Installation
Assembly and Installation
2.1. Requirements to Personnel
The assembly and installation of the system should be carried out by a person who is
empowered by the manufacturer or technical personnel of the medical institution
which is going to use it. Remember, that the accuracy of system mounting defines the
safety and quality of its operation. Further mounting and setting requirements which
define the product safety will be marked by
bold font
in the text.
2.2. Room Selection and Placement
Before installation of the system, select the place for it taking into consideration the
power wiring and protective ground in the room. Please, read the following require-
ments and recommendations:
Requirements concerning the room selection and equipment placement:
The recommended distance from the electronic unit to the nearest electric mains is
not less than 3 meters.
The location of electronic unit in the immediate vicinity (less than 5 meters) with
short-wave or microwave therapeutic equipment is not permitted (it can lead to its
unstable operation).
It is recommended to place the electronic unit on the maximum possible distance
from power cables, switchboards, and different powerful electrical devices which
can emit electromagnetic fields of mains frequency.
The animal environment (within 1.5 meters) should contain only the electronic
units being the medical device with the required safety level. As the computer
equipment safety level is not sufficient for use in the animal environment, it is
necessary to exclude the possibility of animal touching the metal parts of the
computer equipment cases and the simultaneous contact of these parts and
animal's body by the personnel. The computer equipment used in the system
should correspond to IEC 60601-1:2012 (AAMI/ANSI ES 60601-1:2005/(R2012)
and A1:2012 and A2:2010/(R)2012, EN 60601-1:2006/A1:2013 or be connected
via the isolation transformer (specialized power supply unit
– for notebook
PC) corresponding to abovementioned requirements.
Requirements to mains:
Do not use electric mains where the neutral conductor and protective ground
are combined. It is strongly prohibited.
The use of multi-socket electric mains extender without additional protective
actions is prohibited. The fact is that the probable break of the circuit of the