5. Data Report
Data report configuration and sending period are as following:
Min Interval
Max Interval
Reportable Change
Current Change≥
Reportable Change
Current Change
Reportable Change
Any number between
Any number between
Can not be 0.
per Min Interval
per Max Interval
The device will immediately send a version packet report along with an uplink packet including occupied status.
The device sends data in the default configuration before any configuration is done.
Default setting:
Maximum time: 3600s (1H)
Minimum time: 3600s (1H) (The current voltage and occupied are detected every Min Interval)
Battery change: 0x01 (0.1V)
Disable time: 30s
Detection time: 5min
* If there is special custom shipment, the setting is changed according to customer’s requirements.
* IRDisableTime must ≥ 5 s and IRDectionTime ≥ IRDisableTime
Occupancy alarm:
If there are movements of people, animals or any organism in the detected area, the infrared sensor detects the infrared
signal. And, if the closing event happen in the following 10seconds, the device will report Occupy status.
Occupy status = 1
Unoccupy. status = 0
The data transmission period of the device is subject to the programming configuration before shipment.
The interval between two reports must be the mintime
The data parsing reported by the device is referenced by the
Netvox LoraWAN Application Command document