6. IR Disable Time and Detection Time
If there are movements of people, animals or any organism in the detected area, the infrared sensor detects the infrared signal.
And, if the closing event happen in the following 10seconds, the device will report occupy status=1.
After IRDetectionTime(Default 30s), if there is to no longer people, animals or any organism movement detected by the R718PQA
within the monitoring range and the reed switch status is detected as open, the device will report occupy status=0.
To save the power, when R718PQA detects the infrared signal, it will enter IRDetectionTime period. If there is no infrared signal
detected in IRDetectionTime period. It will report un-occupy.
IRDisableTime is the sampling period during IRDetectionTime (IRDisableTime are 30 seconds by default setting that PIR is off
for first 70% of the period; on for rest 30% of the period).
For example, after triggered, the PIR will turn off the infrared probe for 21 (30 * 70%) seconds to save the power, living objects
within this period will not be detected. PIR will re-open detection function after 21 seconds, if it detects living objects in this
period, the IR delay time will be extended for another 30 seconds till no infrared signal is detected and IRDetectionTime period is
due and R718PQA will then report un-occupy
IRDisableTime >=5 s, IRDetectionTime>= IRDisableTime
Default disabletime
30s detectiontime
The IRDetectionTime is 60 seconds and the IRDisableTime is 30 seconds, no living creature is detected during the two 9-second
detection period (the yellow parts shown below). R718PQA will report “unoccupied” after 60 seconds (IRDetectTime).
The IRDetectionTime is 60 seconds and IRDisableTime is 30 seconds, living creature is detected at the 25th second of the first 30
seconds. R718PQA will restart the IR detecting procedure (IRDetectionTime).
No living creature is detected during the next IRDetectionTime and R718PQA therefore report “unoccupied.”
Note: Occupancy status (status =1) requires both reed switch and infrared to detect close/someone and interval between both less than 10 seconds.