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N600 WiFi Range Extender
Access the Extender over WiFi and Use Smart Setup
If your WiFi router does not support WPS, access the extender over WiFi and use the
browser-based NETGEAR genie
Smart Setup to connect the extender to an existing WiFi
The extender has a default NETGEAR_EXT WiFi network name (SSID) in the 2.4 GHz band
so you can access it over WiFi. After you have used Smart Setup to connect the extender to
an existing WiFi network, the extender changes its default NETGEAR_EXT network name to
the name of the existing WiFi network and adds _2GEXT to the end of the 2.4 GHz network
name and _5GEXT to the end of the 5 GHz network name, for example:
Existing network name
New extended 2.4 GHz network name
New extended 5 GHz network name
To access the extender over WiFi and use Smart Setup to connect the extender to an
existing WiFi network:
Place the extender close to the WiFi router.
In a later step in this procedure, after you have established a connection
to the WiFi router, you can place the extender at its permanent location.
Plug the extender into an electrical outlet.
If necessary, press the
The power LED lights amber during startup process. After about one minute, the power
LED turns green and the startup process is complete.
Make sure that your computer is not connected to an Ethernet network.
If the computer is already connected to an Ethernet network, you might not be able to
connect to the extender.
Open a WiFi network manager on your computer or mobile device to find and connect to the
default NETGEAR_EXT WiFi network of the extender.