Change the client isolation or network isolation for a VLAN
Delete a VLAN profile....................................................................78
VLAN membership for a LAN, WiFi network, or port.....................79
Change the VLAN profile for a LAN.............................................79
Enable, change, or disable the VLAN profile for a WiFi
Change the VLAN profile for an Ethernet port...........................81
Port mode: Trunk mode or Access mode.......................................82
Chapter 6 Manage the WiFi Networks
About the WiFi networks...................................................................85
admin (default) WiFi network............................................................86
Change the admin WiFi network name, channel, or VLAN......86
Change the admin WiFi password or security level..................88
Employee WiFi network.....................................................................90
Enable the employee WiFi network and manage the settings.90
Change the employee WiFi password or security level............92
Internet of things WiFi network.........................................................95
Enable the IoT WiFi network and manage the settings............95
Change the IoT WiFi password or security level........................96
Guest WiFi network and captive portal...........................................99
Set up a guest WiFi network with open access or password
Set up Facebook Wi-Fi for the guest WiFi network.................101
Set up a guest WiFi network with a captive portal..................103
About the LANs................................................................................107
LAN settings......................................................................................108
Change the default LAN 1 settings...........................................108
Change the employee LAN 2 settings......................................110
Change the IoT LAN 3 settings..................................................111
Change the guest LAN 4 settings..............................................112
Set custom settings for LAN 5....................................................113
DHCP servers....................................................................................114
Set up a DHCP server for the default LAN 1.............................115
Set up a DHCP server for the employee LAN 2.......................116
Set up a DHCP server for the IoT LAN 3...................................117
Set up a DHCP server for the guest LAN 4...............................118
Set up a DHCP server for the custom LAN 5............................119
Disable the DHCP server for a LAN...........................................121
Reserved LAN IP addresses............................................................121
Reserve a LAN IP address...........................................................122
Orbi Pro WiFi 6 AX5400 Router Model SXR50 and Orbi Pro WiFi 6 AX5400 Satellite Model SXS50