MAN-0093 Rev 0 Oxygen Sensor
June 2008
Net Safety Monitoring Inc.
5.1 .2 Alarm Points Definition
Under the available Alarm Modes the user is allowed to setup two Alarm Points; Alarm Point 1 and Alarm Point
2. DIP Switch 1 position 1 and position 2 are used to set the Alarm Point 1, while DIP Switch 1 Positions 3 and
4 are used to setup Alarm Point 2. For Alarm Modes Above-Above and Below-Below as seen in Table 7 and
Table 8, the user can decide which value will be Alarm Point 1 or Alarm Point 2. Under Alarm Mode Below-
Above, Alarm Point 1 and Alarm Point 2 are distinct as seen in Table 9.
Table 7: Alarm Points for Alarm Mode (Above-Above)
Alarm Mode: Above- Above
Alarm Point 1 / 2
Position 1/ position 3
Position 2 / Position 4
22.0% OFF OFF
22.5% OFF ON
23.0% ON OFF
23.5% ON ON
Table 8: Alarm Points for Alarm Mode (Below-Below)
Alarm Mode: Below- Below
Alarm Point 1 / 2
Position 1/ position 3
Position 2 / Position 4
19.5% OFF OFF
19.0% OFF ON
18.5% ON OFF
18.0% ON ON
Table 9: Alarm Points for Alarm Mode (Below-Above)
Alarm Mode: Below- Above
Alarm Point 1
Position 1
Position 2
19.5% OFF OFF
19.0% OFF ON
18.5% ON OFF
18.0% ON ON
Alarm Mode: Below- Above
Alarm Point 2
Position 3
Position 4
22.0% OFF OFF
22.5% OFF ON
23.0% ON OFF
23.5% ON ON