KEYPAD ******************************************************************************************************
The keypad consists of 12 buttons or keys.
The PROG (or P) button is used to begin any
Each button of the keypad is used for three.
programming sequence.
a) to enter a number (eg. 1,2,3),
b) to select a client programming option
marked in blue (eg. CODE 1),
The END (or E) button is used in all cases to
c) to select a command marked in white
signify the end of the button sequence just
(eg. ARM).
Every time a button is pressed the Panel
At other times, the beeper will sound various
responds with a very brief beep In
warnings such as 10 beeps for a low battery.
The beeper is also used to indicate whether the
entry was valid or invalid. For example,
When Arming the Panel, 1-8 beeps will indicate
whenever E is pressed, all the buttons pressed
that a zone is unsecured, eg. Zone 3 will be
before it are checked to see whether they are
indicated by 3 long beeps.
valid. If they are valid, the response will be 3
short beeps.
A continuous tone on Arming indicates a
Tamper or 24-Hour zone is unsecured. During
If they are invalid (or incorrect) the response
Entry time, it indicates that an alarm has
will be 1 long beep and they will be ignored.
The panel has 16 indicator lights surrounding the keypad. Each light has three basic states to indicate function.
These are: ON, OFF, FLASHING
ON The panel is Armed
OFF The panel is Disarmed
FLASHING The panel is in Monitor Mode
ON Memory mode is selected
OFF No alarms
FLASHING FAST An alarm has occurred
FLASHING SLOW An alarm is stored in memory
ON The panel is in EXCLUDE mode
OFF No zones are EXCLUDED
FLASHING Zone(s) have been EXCLUDED
OFF The panel is in normal operation mode.
ON The panel is in client program mode.
FLASHING SLOW The panel is in installer
FLASHING FAST The program memory is faulty.
program mode.
ON The panel battery is healthy.
FLASHING The panel battery is low.
(If flashing in unison with the satellite light, the satellite
battery is low.)
ON The mains power is connected and
FLASHING The mains power is disconnected or
turned on.
turned off.
OFF The control panel and satellite siren tamper
FLASHING The panel or satellite siren tamper are
are secure and satellite siren battery is healthy.
unsecured. If flashing in unison with the battery light,
the satellite battery is low.
OFF The dialler is inactive.
ON The dialler has seized the phone line, a dialler or
FLASHING SLOW The dialler senses a phone
zone expander option is selected.
line fault or a failure to communicate with the
FLASHING FAST The dialler or zone expander has a
base station.
System fault, or the dialler cannot store the information
just programmed into it.
FLASHING at the incoming call rate. The dialler is detecting an incoming call.