SIREN WARNING At the end of the Exit Time, all zones should be secured. If any are
unsecured, the siren will sound as a warning to indicate that those zones have been
automatically Excluded. For maximum security, you should return, DISARM, check the premises
and then ARM again. Continual warnings could mean that a detector is faulty and may have to
be manually Excluded. If the Auto Exclude option is disabled, the siren will sound
continuously if a zone is unsecured at the end of Exit Time.
Upon entering the protected premises through
If one of your codes is, say, 7676 then to
a delay zone, the Control Panel responds with
Disarm, enter
reminder to Disarm. You then have your
7676 E
programmed Entry Delay Time to Disarm the
Panel by either:
If you make a mistake in entering your code,
then you must press E and start again. Three
a) Entering one of your access codes and END, OR
incorrect entries will cause an alarm.
b) Activating the keyswitch.
If the Panel is not Disarmed by the end of the
Entry Delay Time, an alarm will occur. You may
still enter your code to silence the alarm.
1. ENTER the protected premises via a DELAY ZONE.
2. LISTEN for the beeps coming from the panel.
3. Enter
4. The ARMED light should now be extinguished.
A Continuous beep on entry is a warning that an alarm occurred while the
Control Panel was Armed, the external strobe light (If fitted) will also be
flashing as a reminder.
The 1 second entry beeps (not the continuous warning) can be disabled as a function of the installation options.
MONITOR MODE ******************************************************************************************************
Monitor mode allows you to ARM selected
Monitor mode cannot be selected while in
zones while others are ignored. Typically,
Program memory or Exclude modes.
Perimeter zones (doors and windows) can be
Monitored while the occupants are at home.
To EXIT from monitor mode, either
To select MONITOR mode, either
a) Enter (CODE) E to DISARM, OR
a) Press 8E, OR
b) Activate the keyswitch momentarily to
b) If you are using a Remote Keyswitch, first
Arm the Panel (by turning the keyswitch
c) Enter 0E, or 0 (CODE) E, to ARM the
once), then turn the keyswitch twice within
2 seconds.
NOTE: If an alarm occurs, while in Monitor
The Control Panel will respond with 3 beeps
mode, silence the alarm by entering
and the Armed/Monitor indicator will FLASH to
(CODE) E or activate the keyswitch.
indicate that you are in Monitor mode.
If an alarm does occur in Monitor mode, the zone light will remain flashing as a memory until
you exit Monitor mode.