♦ Rail transmission speed setting
Click the speed parameter,a blank parameter dialog will pop out, type into the
temperature you need set. Generally suggestion 250-300mm/min (Remarks:
temperature will also be influenced once chain speed changed, please re- test the
temperature curve and adjust temperature according to the test result)
♦ Temperature setting
As above picture showed, data on upper side is well-set temperature from zone1 to
zone6; data in the middle is the real-time temperature. Click the temperature parameter
dialog, directly type into the set temperature, the heating zone will start heating and
keep it in a stable situation while temperature reached.
♦Save and use of soldering formula
♦Save method: Click ‘SAVE AS’ on the main control page or click the file list page on
the left to enter the file management page. Select the location you want to save (the
file list box will turn green when selected). Click the SAVE button to save the current
used formula and file name at the same time, there will be a beep after success.
♦How to modify the file name: select a location to be stored in the file list. At this time,
the file name in the file list box will be updated to the text box of the file name. Click
the text box of the file name to pop up the input keyboard. After filling in the required
name, click OK, and then click the Save button. After success, there will be a beep.
♦Usage: select the required file and click the load button. After success, there will be
a‘beep’ sound.
Text box
File List