Tucker GmbH,
Mail / Post:
Max-Eyth-Str.1, 35394 Gießen, Germany
Stud welding unit N1500i
As of: Aug 12.2021
Manual part number: BE 1221
The unit is now locked and ready to weld. When a weld is out of tolerance, the unit will
flash the red triangle icon and display 'WELD ERROR - ENTER PASSWORD'.
Enter the password to resume welding. Once the password is entered, the triangle will
still be flashing, but the user can resume welding.
If any weld settings are to be changed or F code configurations are to be accessed,
the unit must be unlocked before doing so.
6.8.5 Counters to keep track of good and bad welds
The good weld counter for the weld processweld process monitor is F41, and bad
weld counts are tracked in F42. These counters can be re- set by holding down the
Time-Down button while viewing the counter F code.
6.8.6 Understanding Lock Modes
The Lock Mode configuration (F19) determines how the unit responds to the LOCK
key when in the Time\Current mode or Stud Expert mode. It lets the user configure the
level of security as required for the circumstances.
Lock Mode 1:
This is the minimal security mode, whereby the user may lock or unlock
the panel by simply pressing the LOCK key in the Time\Current mode or Stud Expert
mode. This is the default mode and is intended to prevent accidental weld setting
changes due to inadvertent key presses (i.e. leaning on object or hand on the panel).
are used in this mode.
Lock Mode 2:
This is the tightest security mode, whereby the user must select a
password to lock the unit.
can be made to weld settings or function
code settings while locked. The same password must be entered to unlock the
Lock Mode 3:
This is a medium level security mode, whereby the user must select a
password to lock the unit. Changes may be made to the weld settings only by use of
the presets, but the value of the
may not be changed. The same password
must be entered to unlock the unit.