Tucker GmbH,
Mail / Post:
Max-Eyth-Str.1, 35394 Gießen, Germany
Stud welding unit N1500i
As of: Aug 12.2021
Manual part number: BE 1221
Likely problems or items to check - in order from most likely to least likely:
1. Primary voltage is sagging during the weld enough for the
2. +15VDC auxillary supply to dip.
3. Control board 15VDC sensor circuit failed.
4. Power supply board failed.
5. Aux transformer failed.
Check that +15VDC exists at the control board while unit is not welding (idle). If it
does not exist at idle, check primary power and replace power supply or aux
transformer as necessary.
Using a scope, determine what the voltage dips to during the weld. If the voltage did
not dip lower than 14.3VDC, replace the control board.
If the voltage is dipping, check the primary and secondary of the aux transformer while
at idle and during weld. If the primary is dipping, move N1500i to a stiffer supply. If the
secondary is dip- ping but primary is not, replace aux transformer. If neither dips,
replace power supply board.