Tucker GmbH,
Mail / Post:
Max-Eyth-Str.1, 35394 Gießen, Germany
Stud welding unit N1500i
As of: Aug 12.2021
Manual part number: BE 1221
10.3.15 E015 Warning - Near Maximum Welding Output
Fatal, meaning you have to power down to continue welding
Acknowledge, meaning the error will exist as long as the unit is powered on.
(Note, welding can continue while the error exists)
The unit is at or above 95% of the power the unit is capable of delivering (voltage x
current), it will display this warning. When this warning is being displayed, there is a
possibility that the weld current will start to sag. As shown in the picture below, if the
demanded voltage for any given current is above the diagonal “power unit capability”
line, the current will naturally drop in accordance with the capability line. For best
reliability, stay within the ‘Linear Area’.
To achieve this, reducing the voltage is the most practical. Reduce weld cable length,
increase weld cable size, and\or reduce lift. Another way is to reduce weld current if
the application allows less current, more time.
This Warning can be disabled using F54
Warning - Near Maximum Welding
Output Capacity