66 NED
XCM8040SAT4 UME-0038-02
8.6.4 Intelligence
< Calibration >
Calib White
Acquisition of white data and saving the calibration data to camera
’s flash memory.
First, choose the mode from the drop-down-list-box.
Next, set a value with the slider, the edit-box or the spin-button. Then, click
“Send” button.
Test Pattern
The signal will be sent to the camera every time you make this selection from the menu in
the drop-down-list-box.
8.6.5 Memory in camera
Memory Dump
Read the data from the camera
’s work memory.
Flash Load
Loading the data from the camera
’s flash memory.
Flash Save
Saving the data in the camera
’s flash memory.
Flash Initialize
Initializing the camera
’s flash memory with the factory standard data.