This service and reference manual contains the technical information necessary to set up,
and maintain the NEC Versa™ 4000 Series notebook systems. It also provides hardware
and interface information for users who need an overview of the computer system design.
The manual is written for NEC-trained customer engineers, system analysts, service center
personnel, and dealers.
Please refer to the training module provided on CD-ROM for system disassembly/assembly
The manual is organized as follows:
Section 1
Technical Information, provides an overview of the hardware and interface
components. System specifications are listed including computer dimensions, weight, envi-
ronment, safety compliance, power consumption, and system memory specifications.
Section 2
Setup and Operation, takes the user from unpacking to setup and operation.
The section includes a description of operating controls, setting parameters and accessing
the NEC bulletin board system (BBS).
Section 3
Illustrated Parts Breakdown (IPB), provides an exploded-view diagram of
the NEC Versa 4000 series system and part numbers.
Appendix A
Connector Locations and Pin Assignments, provides a list of the main
board internal connector pin assignments and a list of external pin assignments.
An Index is included for convenience.