NEC Mobile Suite User Guide for N411i
Rev 1.0 6/May/2005
In it the user can see the progress and eventually make some decisions regarding the process.
There are two buttons (
) on the bottom right of the screen. These need to be
applied if a given field is empty or its content is incorrect (i.e. a numeric field is filled with text). Here’s
what they will do if a situation like this occurs:
– The field is not imported.
– The complete record is not imported. The process will continue with the next record.
If the check box –
“Apply to all the warnings of the type”
– is ticked all warnings of the same type
(empty fields or incorrect ones) will be handled in the same way that the user chooses at that moment.
For instance:
If the situation in the above screen occurs and the user ticks the check box and then clicks on the
button, all <pinyin> fields will be ignored.
At the end of the process the following screen will be shown: