Setting Up the ftServer System
Chapter 5
Setting Up the ftServer System
This chapter discusses the following topics:
‘‘Setting Up Internal Disk Storage”
‘‘Setting Up RAID Arrays”
‘‘Removing and Replacing Disks”
Administering RAID Arrays
‘‘System Backup and Disaster Recovery”
‘‘Ethernet Devices”
‘‘Other System Configuration Information”
‘‘Additional Documentation and Resources”
At system startup, the operating system autoprobes hardware for legacy devices and
attached devices that are not already configured for use on the system. Often, the
device is recognized and automatically supported, requiring no direct configuration.
While the operating system may recognize legacy devices, Express5800/
System Software for the Linux Operating System (
Express Builder
) does not support
fault-tolerant devices. To be supported as a fault-tolerant device, a device
must have a special hardened driver that supports surprise removal and fault
management by
Express Builder.
Some system components, such as data storage, may require additional configuration.
The following sections discuss them, as well as some of the automated features of the
ftServer system that support fault-tolerant operation and ease system administration.