Additional Documentation and Resources
Introduction to ftServer System Administration
Configuring Your ftServer System
After installing the Linux operating system and
Express Builder
, you must configure
your system.
Chapter 5
for configuration information.
Managing Data Storage Devices
In addition to the
disk storage discussed in
Chapter 5
, your system supports
CD-ROM drives and USB storage devices.
Chapter 6
provides a discussion of these
devices and the information needed to manage them.
Using the Express5800/
Express Builder
While you can use standard Linux tools to perform many system administration tasks
on your ftServer systems, some tasks on fault-tolerant systems require specialized
supporting utilities. The
Express Builder
includes libraries and utilities to support
system administration tasks.
Chapter 7
discusses management tasks
and utilities to
manage fault-tolerant features and supporting applications of your
system. They
include the Express Service Network package that provides support
for Express
Service Network access using an attached modem. This package allows
the NEC
Corporation of America Customer Support Center or your authorized NEC
representative to provide remote support for your system. Your system comes
Express Service Network installed.
Network Management and Reporting
Express Builder
includes optional utilities to allow remote support of your ftServer system.
include an extensible network administration framework and a server-monitoring
that provides notification services.
Chapter 8
discusses the configuration and use of
the optional ftlSNMP package implementing Simple Network Management Protocol
(SNMP) for managing network objects. The ftlSNMP package is typically installed with
Express Builder
Troubleshooting ftServer Systems
Problem identification, system and application diagnostics, and system configuration to
resolve problems with ftServer systems are essential troubleshooting tasks.
Chapter 9
discusses system features and procedures to assist you in troubleshooting ftServer
Additional Documentation and Resources
The following resources provide additional information that may be helpful to you in
administering your ftServer system.