Phone System Programming
For i-Series (28i/124i/384i/704i)
VANGARD Mail/i-Series Quick Sertup Guide
Chapter 3: Phone Programming
For i -Series (28i/ 124i /384i/ 704i)
Phon e System Progr am ming
Voice Mail Required Hardware and Software
Phone System Hardware and Software Requirements
Each analog Voice Mail port requires one analog port on the ASTU card.
For each pair of digital Voice Mail ports, you will connect to one digital port in the phone sys-
tem. You connect the Voice Mail to an odd-numbered digital station port. Program the phone sys-
tem for Voice Mail using this odd-numbered port and the next even port.
Software (for integrating with the Analog VANGARD Mail)
Analog Voice Mail is supported in all i-Series software versions.
Software (for integrating with the Digital VANGARD Mail)
The 28i/124i requires phone system software version 6.00.08 or higher.
All versions of the 124ie/704i support the integration.
The 384i requires phone system software 4.00.30 or higher.
All versions of the Commonized Software
Required Phone System Programming
0004 - Automatic Extension Circuit Type
(Use Phone Programming. Applies to 28i/124i commonized, 124ie/704i and 384i)
Make sure that you have already installed the Voice Mail Port Cards and connected the VAN-
GARD to the phone system before you use this program.
Run program 0004 to automatically set up extension circuit types.
Running 0004 after the system is set up may require that you re-program certain
devices (such as DSS Consoles and DCI’s).
0005 - Extension Circuit Type (Whenever possible, use 0004)
(Use Phone Programming. Applies to 28i/124i commonized, 124ie/704i and 384i)
Assign circuit type 3 to analog Voice Mail ports.
Assign circuit 9, order 2 to digital Voice Mail ports. (Remember to program both the odd-
numbered port and the next consecutive even port reserved by the system.)
Entering circuit type using 0005 may require a manual entry in 1001. [In 1001 - Basic
Extension Port Setup (Part A), Item 1: Telephone Signaling Type, enter 1 for DTMF.]
0303 - DTMF and Dial Tone Detection Circuit Setup
(Applies to 384i /704i Only)
Assign at least one
block for
reception (type 1).
Will ring after the DIL Call Waiting time (Program 0405 Item 62).
All analog VANGARD Mail versions
Digital VANGARD Mail with version 10.06 or higher.
Before you program the phone system, make sure that you have performed all steps in
Chapter 2: Installing the Voice Mail (beginning on page 5). This simplifies program-
ming the phone system. Specifically, make sure that you have installed the Voice Mail
Port Cards and connected the VANGARD to the phone system.