Ready To Burn
Ready To Burn: Version 1.0 October 2015
The boiler room for biomass boilers must be designed in accordance with building
regulations. Some parts of building regulations are used in the following section of this
manual to highlight the main requirements of installation. Full building regulation documents
are available online from the planning portal. The RTB pellet boiler must be installed by an
MCS installer who will design the boiler room to current regulations and notify building
control of all the work done.
General boiler room construction.
The boiler should be housed in a dry and dust free environment. Damp and dusty conditions
can affect the performance of the boiler, shorten its working life and void any warranty
claims. The RTB boiler range is not suitable for installation outside. The boiler room should
be well lit with enough area to refuel the boiler and work on the system safely.
Floor & wall construction.
Floors should consist of (or be covered with) non-combustible material under and around
the boiler of a distance of at least 300 mm from the boiler sides, and 500 mm from the
boiler’s front (i.e. the side where the ash is removed). For full details of solid fuel hearth
construction refer to The Building Regulations Approved Document J – Section 2: Appliances
burning solid fuel.
Boiler clearances.
The boiler and hopper must have sufficient clearance around all sides to allow easy
maintenance and cleaning of the system once installed.
Recommended clearances:
Boiler side
Hopper side
At least 1 x boiler width to allow door opening