ibic—Interface Bus Interactive Control Utility
Chapter 5
NI-488.2M SRM for OS/2
© National Instruments Corp.
For more information about the status word, refer to Chapter 3, Developing Your
Error Codes Return
If an NI-488 function or NI-488.2 routine completes with an error,
displays the error mnemonic. The following example illustrates the result if an
error condition occurs in a data transfer.
[8100] (err cmpl)
error: ENOL
count: 1
ibwrt "f2t3x"
In this example, there are no Listeners, indicating that
is powered off or
the GPIB cable is disconnected. For a detailed list of the error codes and their
meanings, refer to Chapter 4, Debugging Your Application.
Count Return
When an I/O function completes,
displays the actual number of bytes sent
or received, regardless of the existence of an error condition.
If one of the addresses in an address list of an NI-488.2 routine is invalid,
displays the index of the invalid address as the count.
The count return has a different meaning, depending on which NI-488 function
or NI-488.2 routine is called. Refer to the function descriptions in the NI-
488.2M Function Reference Manual for OS/2 for the correct interpretation of the
count return.