Chapter 2
Application Examples
© National Instruments Corp.
NI-488.2M SRM for OS/2
The application conducts a parallel poll of all three temperature transducers
to determine whether the metals have reached the appropriate temperature.
Each transducer asserts its data line during the configuration step if its
temperature threshold has been reached.
If the response to the poll indicates that all three metals are at the appropriate
temperature, the application sends a command to each of the three power
supplies, directing them to power on. Then the motors start and the metals
pour into the mold.
If only one or two of the metals is at the appropriate temperature,
Steps 5 and 6 are repeated until the metals can be successfully mixed.
The application unconfigures all the transducers so that they no longer
participate in parallel polls.
As a cleanup step before exiting, the application returns the interface board
back to its original state by taking it offline.