© National Instruments Corp.
NI-488.2M SRM for OS/2
About This Manual
This manual describes the features and functions of the NI-488.2M software for
OS/2. The NI-488.2M software package is meant to be used with OS/2 (IBM
Operating System/2) version 2.0 or higher. This manual assumes that you are
already familiar with the OS/2 system.
Organization of This Manual
This manual is organized as follows:
Chapter 1, NI-488.2M Software Description, describes the NI-488.2M
software package and explains how the software works with your OS/2
Chapter 2, Application Examples, contains nine sample applications designed
to illustrate specific GPIB concepts and techniques that can help you write
your own applications. The description of each example includes the
programmer’s task, a program flowchart, and numbered steps that correspond
to the numbered blocks on the flowchart.
Chapter 3, Developing Your Application, explains how to develop a GPIB
application program using NI-488 functions and NI-488.2 routines.
Chapter 4, Debugging Your Application, describes several ways to debug
your application program.
Chapter 5, ibic—Interface Bus Interactive Control Utility, introduces you to
, the interactive control program that you can use to communicate
with GPIB devices through functions you enter at your keyboard.
Chapter 6, GPIB Programming Techniques, discusses the following GPIB
topics: data transfer termination methods, waiting for GPIB conditions,
device-level calls and bus management, serial polling and SRQ servicing,
and parallel polling.
Chapter 7, ibconf—Interface Bus Configuration Utility, contains a
description of
, the software configuration program you can use to
configure the NI-488.2M software.