Appendix A
Common Questions
In addition to these differences, there is one additional PCI bridge across the
host and target link compared to a MXI-4 link which will be visible to the operating
system (OS). If you replace any MXI-4 compatible products with MXI-Express x1
products, the additional bridge will cause the OS to rediscover all devices that were
part of the existing MXI system. This causes the OS to change the reference names
used by driver software. The result is that all device resource names that are part of
the MXI system will change, such as the names used in Measurement & Automation
Explorer (MAX) and VISA.
General Software
Under which operating systems will MXI-Express x1 products work?
MXI-Express x1 will be recognized as a collection of PCI-to-PCI bridges to the majority of
operating systems. It should automatically have CompactPCI Express support with most
systems like Windows, Macintosh OS X, Linux, and Solaris. For full PXI Express functionality,
PXI Platform Services software is required. Refer to the
Software Installation and Configuration
section of Chapter 3,
Installation and Configuration
, for more information.
What software is required to use my MXI-Express x1 kit?
For Windows and LabVIEW RT, the required software is included as part of the latest version
of NI PXI Platform Services included with your kit. The software for your MXI-Express x1
controller enhances the product, allowing you to view information about the organization of
your PXI system, gain access to the trigger routing capabilities of the PXI or PXI Express
chassis, and programmatically retrieve data about the chassis and modules you have installed.
Please refer to the following KnowledgeBase for the current supported operating systems for
NI PXI Platform Services:
KB 53399AQ7: PXI Platform Services Operating System Support
If your operating system is not supported by PXI Platform Services, you can still use
MXI-Express x1 as a PCI Express expansion solution. However, access to features such as
chassis and controller identification, trigger routing, and slot detection will be lost.