National Instruments Corporation
This manual provides reference material for using AutoCode to write
production quality code using graphical tools. Together with the
User Guide
and the
Template Programming Language User Guide
AutoCode documentation describes how to generate robust, high-quality,
real-time C or Ada source code from SystemBuild block diagrams.
Manual Organization
This manual includes the following chapters:
, provides an overview of the rapid prototyping
concept, the automatic code generation process, and the nature of
real-time generated code.
Chapter 2,
, discusses files used to interface
AutoCode and the generated C code to your specific platform and
target processor, and target-specific utilities needed for simulation and
Chapter 3,
, discusses files used to interface
AutoCode and the generated Ada code to your specific platform and
target processor, and target-specific utilities needed for simulation and
Chapter 4,
Generating Code for Real-Time Operating Systems
describes the RTOS configuration file and functionality provided for
generating code for real-time operating systems.
Chapter 5,
, supplies more details about
the content and framework of the generated code. This includes
storage usage, various procedures, specialized blocks, and subsystems.
Chapter 6,
, discusses various ways to
generate vectorized code. This includes describing the options
available, design guidelines, and implementation details about the
vectorized code.
Chapter 7,
, discusses how to optimize the
generated code. This includes explaining the details of generating
production quality code for micro controller-based applications.