Chapter 4
Generating Code for Real-Time Operating Systems
National Instruments Corporation
Table Naming Convention
Tables are given a name to identify the contents of the data contained
therein. Table names are specified in the same form as Xmath variables,
. RTOS does not look at the
Notice that the
specifier is case sensitive.
Table Column Contents
The contents of a column within a table has a specific data type—for
example, an integer or floating point or string value. For each row in a table,
all columns must contain data of the appropriate type. If a table contains no
rows, it will not appear in the configuration file.
Table Orderings
The tables can appear in any order in the file except the Version Table,
which must be the first table. Also, a table can appear only once in the file.
If the table appears more than once, the data in the first table is used.
File Comments
A line starting with the pound character
denotes the line is a comment.
RTOS Configuration File Contents
The RTOS configuration file consists of named tables of data. Some tables
are single element, while others have one or more columns of data. The
table formats are based on the way Xmath outputs PDM matrix information
into a text file.
Processors Table
Table 4-1 is a single element table consisting of the number of processors
to target for the generated code. The table is named
Example 4-1 shows an example of a processors table.
Table 4-1.
Processors Table Contents
Template Parameter
Containing the Data
Default Value
Value used with
option or 1