Chapter 5
Generated Code Architecture
National Instruments Corporation
This section describes the design and operation of subsystems. This
Discrete and Continuous SuperBlocks Versus Subsystems
Scheduler External Interface Layer
System External Interface Layer
Discrete Subsystem Interface Layer
Init, Output, and State Phases
Discrete and Continuous SuperBlocks Versus Subsystems
A SuperBlock is a SuperBlock Editor concept that acts as a container that
describes a type and/or timing attributes for a set of blocks. There are
various flavors of SuperBlocks, such as Procedure SuperBlocks, which
have different code generation impacts. For the moment, the current
discussion is limited to Discrete and Continuous SuperBlocks.
The SystemBuild Analyzer, which is an internal thread of the Simulator,
translates a model into a representation (
file) that AutoCode and other
applications can understand. One of the primary tasks of the Analyzer
is to create subsystems from SuperBlocks. A subsystem is the set of
SuperBlocks with the same timing attributes; discrete SuperBlocks
form discrete subsystems while continuous SuperBlocks form a single
continuous subsystem. The Analyzer takes the blocks, which the
SuperBlocks identified as one subsystem, and creates a block ordering.
As a result, AutoCode knows nothing about SuperBlocks and can generate
only what the Analyzer partitioned into subsystems.