Chapter 5
Generated Code Architecture
mixed data-typed variables reflecting each procedure output signal and
The states of the procedure are provided by the argument S, a pointer to
a structure named
procedure name_s
. This structure contains the
double-buffered private states used in the procedure, a flag to toggle the
private states from one buffer to another, and the states structures of all
procedures nested in the procedure. The private states are provided by the
procedure name_ps
, a two-element array of a structure named
procedure name_ps
. The private states structure is composed of mixed
) data-typed variables reflecting each state needed in the
procedure. The flag to toggle private states is a variable of type
procedure name_x
whose value is toggled
between 0 and 1 by the subsystem invoking the procedure.
The informational data of the procedure is provided by the argument I,
a pointer to a structure named
procedure name_info
. This structure
Status and control flags stored in an array named
Time-related information stored in an array named
Block parameter data used by block algorithms in the procedure stored
in arrays named
Xmath and Variable block variables used in the procedure stored as
pointers to global variables and named after the Xmath variables or
Variable block variables.
In addition, information data of the form described for procedures nested
in the procedure is provided in the
procedure name_i
structure as
a pointer to a structure named
nested_procedure name_info
Table 5-1 and Table 5-2 summarize the elements in structure
procedure name_info
. These elements, which are used by the
procedure, need to be set by the function invoking the procedure.