General Description
Section Two
GPIB-1014P User Manual
© National Instruments Corporation
Figure 2-1 and Figure 2-2 show typical applications for the GPIB-1014P. In Figure 2-2, the
GPIB-1014P is used to interface an assortment of test instruments to a VMEbus computer
system, which then functions as an intelligent System Controller. This is the traditional role of the
In Figure 2-2, the GPIB-1014P is used along with other National Instruments interface boards to
connect a VMEbus computer to other processors in order to transfer information or to perform
other communication functions.
3 Lines
Able to Talk
and Listen
Device C
Able to Listen
Device B
Device A
VMEbus Computer with GPIB-1014P
Able to Talk, Listen, and Control
8 Lines
5 Lines
DAV (Data Valid)
NRFD (Not Ready for Data)
NDAC (Not Data Accepted)
IFC (Interface Clear)
ATN (Attention)
SRQ (Service Request)
REN (Remote Enable)
EOI (End or Identify)
Data Lines
Handshake Lines
Management Lines
Able to Talk
Figure 2-1. GPIB-1014P with a VMEbus Computer